Monday, 29 January 2024

Python Snippet: Start Docker Compose in Context Manager

Waits for /readyz

import subprocess
import time
import requests

class DockerComposeRunner:

    def __init__(self, project_folder):
        self.project_folder = project_folder

    def __enter__(self):
        command = ['docker-compose', 'up', '-d', '--build']

        self.port = self.find_free_port()

        # Set the PORT environment variable for docker-compose
        env = os.environ.copy()
        env['PORT'] = str(self.port)

        self.process = subprocess.Popen(

        return self.port
    def find_free_port():
        with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
            s.bind(('', 0))
            return s.getsockname()[1]
    def wait_for_readyz(port, timeout=60, check_every=0.2):
        url = f"http://localhost:{port}/readyz"
        timeout_time = time.time() + timeout

        while True:
                response = requests.get(url, timeout=1)
                if response.status_code == 200:
                    print('Service is ready')
            except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.Timeout):
                pass  # Ignore connection errors and timeouts, retrying until timeout is reached

            if time.time() > timeout_time:
                raise TimeoutError(f"Timeout while waiting for /readyz on port {port}")


    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        command = ['docker-compose', 'down']

with DockerComposeRunner('.') as port:
    print(f"API running on port {port}")
    # Perform your tasks here
    # ...


Load fastapi as plugin (via REST) via a controlling context manager

import subprocess
import socket
import os

class UvicornAPIRunner:
    def __init__(self, api_folder, app_module="main:app"):
        self.api_folder = api_folder
        self.app_module = app_module
        self.process = None
        self.port = None

    def find_free_port():
        with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
            s.bind(('', 0))
            return s.getsockname()[1]

    def __enter__(self):
        self.original_cwd = os.getcwd()
        self.port = self.find_free_port()

        command = ['uvicorn', self.app_module, f'--port={self.port}']
        self.process = subprocess.Popen(

        # Wait for the server to start
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error while waiting for server to start: {e}")

        return self.port

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

with UvicornAPIRunner('.', app_module='main:api') as port:
    print(f"API running on port {port}")

FastAPI with Celery: Minimal Example

from fastapi import FastAPI
from celery import Celery
import time
from celery.result import AsyncResult
import os

# Celery configuration
celery_app = Celery(
    timezone=os.environ.get('TZ', 'UTC'),

# Celery task
def sleep_task(duration):
    return f"Slept for {duration} seconds"

# FastAPI app
app = FastAPI()"/create-job/{duration}")
def create_job(duration: int):
    task = sleep_task.delay(duration)
    return {"task_id":}

def running_jobs():
    i = celery_app.control.inspect()
    active_tasks =
    return {"active_tasks": active_tasks}

def get_status(task_id: str):
    task_result = AsyncResult(task_id, app=celery_app)
    return {
        "task_id": task_id,
        "task_status": task_result.status,
        "task_result": task_result.result
In two different terminals
celery -A job.celery_app worker --loglevel=info
uvicorn job:app --reload
Usage Example:
import requests
import time

# API base URL
BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8000"

def create_job(duration):
    response ="{BASE_URL}/create-job/{duration}")
    return response.json()

def get_running_jobs():
    response = requests.get(f"{BASE_URL}/running-jobs")
    return response.json()

def get_job_status(task_id):
    response = requests.get(f"{BASE_URL}/status/{task_id}")
    return response.json()

def main():
    # Create a job with 5 seconds duration
    job = create_job(2)
    task_id = job['task_id']
    print(f"Created job with ID: {task_id}")
    while True:
        status = get_job_status(task_id)
        if status['task_status'] == "SUCCESS":
            print(f"Job result: {status['task_result']}")
        print(f"Job status: {status}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Friday, 26 January 2024

Stanford CS224W: ML with Graphs | 2021 | Lecture 2.2 - Traditional Feature-based Methods: Link

Link Prediction in Graphs: Traditional Feature-Based Methods

Link prediction is a critical task in network analysis, offering insights into the dynamics of various types of graphs, such as social networks, biological networks, and information networks. This post delves deeper into traditional feature-based methods for link prediction and explores their integration with advanced deep learning techniques, specifically Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). 

1. Introduction to Link Prediction

Link prediction involves predicting the presence or future formation of links (edges) between nodes in a graph based on existing data. It's particularly relevant in scenarios like predicting friendships in social networks, interactions in biological networks, or citations in academic networks.

1.1. Problem Formulation

Link prediction can be formulated in two primary ways:

  1. Predicting Missing Links: Assumes some links in the observed network are missing and aims to identify them.
  2. Predicting Future Links: Focuses on evolving networks to predict which new links will form based on the current structure.

Both require an understanding of the network's properties and relationships between nodes.

2. Feature Engineering for Link Prediction

Effective features are key for traditional link prediction methods. These features capture structural properties of the graph and potential node relationships.

2.1. Distance-Based Features

These features measure proximity between nodes in a graph. The simplest is the shortest path length.

Example: Shortest Path Length

import networkx as nx G = nx.Graph() # Add edges to the graph (example) G.add_edge('A', 'B') G.add_edge('B', 'C') G.add_edge('C', 'D') # Compute shortest path length path_length = nx.shortest_path_length(G, source='A', target='D')

2.2. Local Neighborhood Overlap Features

These features measure shared connections, indicating similarity or potential interaction.

  1. Common Neighbors: Counts shared neighbors between nodes.
  2. Jaccard Coefficient: Normalizes common neighbors by the size of the union of neighborhoods.
  3. Adamic-Adar Index: Weights shared neighbors inversely by their degree.

Example: Jaccard Coefficient

def jaccard_coefficient(G, node1, node2):
neighbors1 = set(G.neighbors(node1)) neighbors2 = set(G.neighbors(node2)) intersection = neighbors1.intersection(neighbors2) union = neighbors1.union(neighbors2) return len(intersection) / len(union) if union else 0 # Example usage jaccard_score = jaccard_coefficient(G, 'A', 'C')

2.3. Global Neighborhood Overlap Features

These features consider the entire network structure. A key example is the Katz Index, which counts paths of all lengths between nodes, discounted by path length.

Example: Katz Index

import numpy as np def katz_index(G, beta=0.1): A = nx.adjacency_matrix(G).todense() I = np.eye(G.number_of_nodes()) S = np.linalg.inv(I - beta * A) - I return S # Example usage katz_scores = katz_index(G)

3. Beyond Traditional Features

Deep learning methods, like Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), automatically learn complex patterns in graph-structured data, overcoming limitations of traditional features.

3.1. Graph Neural Networks

GNNs extend neural networks to graphs, learning from a node's neighbors and capturing both local and global structures. They excel in tasks like link prediction and node classification.

Example: Simple GNN Layer

import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class GraphConvolution(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features): super(GraphConvolution, self).__init__() self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(in_features, out_features)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(out_features)) def forward(self, input, adj): support =, self.weight) output = torch.spmm(adj, support) return output + self.bias

3.2. Integrating Traditional and Deep Learning Approaches

Combining traditional features with GNNs can enhance model performance, providing initial representations or auxiliary inputs.

Example: Integrating Features with GNN

class IntegratedGNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, traditional_features): super(IntegratedGNN, self).__init__() self.gc = GraphConvolution(in_features, out_features) self.traditional_features = traditional_features def forward(self, input, adj): gnn_output = self.gc(input, adj) combined_features =, self.traditional_features), dim=1) return F.relu(combined_features)

4. Conclusion

Link prediction in graphs is a dynamic research area with applications across various domains. Traditional feature-based methods provide foundational insights into graph structures, while deep learning approaches like GNNs offer sophisticated automatic feature learning. Integrating these methods can lead to more robust and effective models for predicting links in complex networks.

Insights and Traditional Feature-Based Methods for Link Prediction

The Importance of Network Structure in Feature Design

A critical realization in link prediction is the paramount importance of understanding the underlying network structure. Different networks (social, biological, information) exhibit distinct structural patterns. Features that work well in one type of network might not be as effective in another. For instance, the Adamic-Adar Index might be more effective in social networks due to its emphasis on rare connections, which are often significant in social contexts.

The Limitations of Local Features and the Power of Global Analysis

Local features like common neighbors or Jaccard coefficients provide immediate insights into node relationships but have limitations, especially in sparse networks or when nodes don't share direct neighbors. The Katz Index and other global features overcome this by considering the entire network topology, revealing hidden connections and indirect paths that might be crucial in predicting links.

The Interpretability of Traditional Features versus Deep Learning Models

Traditional feature-based methods offer a level of interpretability that deep learning models often lack. Understanding why a model predicts a link can be as important as the prediction itself, especially in domains like healthcare or social science. For instance, knowing that two researchers are predicted to collaborate because they share many common co-authors (a feature) is more interpretable than a black-box neural network output.

The Complementary Nature of Traditional and Modern Approaches

Integrating traditional feature-based methods with modern deep learning techniques, like GNNs, can lead to more robust models. Traditional features can provide a good starting point or auxiliary information for deep learning models, enhancing their learning process. This hybrid approach combines the interpretability and domain-specific knowledge of traditional methods with the powerful pattern recognition capabilities of deep learning.

The Evolutionary Aspect of Networks

Networks are not static; they evolve over time. This dynamism must be considered in link prediction models. Features and models that work well at one time may not be as effective later. For example, in a growing social network, newer members might have different linking patterns compared to older members. Models need to adapt to these changes to remain effective.

The Significance of Negative Sampling in Link Prediction

Link prediction is inherently imbalanced – the number of non-existent links (negatives) far exceeds the number of actual links (positives). Effectively sampling negative links is crucial for training and evaluating models. The choice of negative samples can significantly impact model performance and its understanding of the underlying network structure.

The Role of Network Density and Size

The density and size of a network play a crucial role in the effectiveness of different link prediction methods. In dense networks, local features might be more informative, whereas in sparse networks, global features might yield better results. Similarly, the computational complexity of certain methods, like those involving matrix operations, might be prohibitive in very large networks.

The Interplay of Domain Knowledge and Data-Driven Insights

Incorporating domain-specific knowledge into the link prediction process can significantly enhance the performance and relevance of the models. For instance, in a biological network, understanding protein functions or cellular processes can guide the feature engineering process, leading to more meaningful predictions.

The Role of Network Homophily and Heterophily in Feature Design

Network homophily implies that similar nodes are more likely to be connected, while heterophily suggests the opposite. Recognizing the predominance of either in a network is crucial for feature design. For instance, in a homophilic network, features capturing similarity (like common neighbors) might be more effective, whereas in heterophilic networks, features that capture diversity might yield better results.

The Impact of Network Transitivity on Link Prediction

Network transitivity, often measured by the clustering coefficient, indicates the likelihood that two neighbors of a node are also neighbors with each other. High transitivity suggests a tightly-knit community structure, which can influence the effectiveness of local neighborhood features. In such networks, a high number of shared neighbors might be a strong indicator of a future link.

Scalability and Efficiency of Global Features

Global features like the Katz Index are computationally expensive, especially for large networks, due to matrix operations involved. Optimizing these computations, perhaps through approximations or efficient matrix multiplication techniques, is crucial for scalability. Understanding and addressing these computational challenges is key for applying these methods to real-world, large-scale networks.

The Subtleties of Feature Correlation and Redundancy

Features in link prediction can be highly correlated, leading to redundancy. For example, nodes with a high degree are more likely to have a high number of common neighbors. Recognizing and addressing feature correlation through techniques like feature selection or dimensionality reduction can enhance model performance and interpretability.

The Complexity of Temporal Dynamics in Evolving Networks

In evolving networks, the temporal dynamics can add a layer of complexity to link prediction. Features need to capture not just the structure but also the evolution patterns. For instance, recent changes in a node's neighborhood might be more indicative of future links than older connections. Incorporating time-aware features or temporal decay in feature values can capture these dynamics more effectively.

The Nuances of Embedding-Based Approaches in Link Prediction

Embedding-based approaches, which represent nodes as vectors in a low-dimensional space, offer a different perspective on feature design. Understanding how these embeddings capture network structure and relationships is crucial. For instance, embeddings learned via methods like node2vec can implicitly encode community structures, path lengths, and other graph properties, potentially serving as powerful features for link prediction.

The Challenge of Non-Stationarity in Graph Data

Graph data is often non-stationary, meaning the underlying data distribution can change over time. This non-stationarity poses a challenge for traditional link prediction models, which assume a stationary distribution. Developing adaptive models or incorporating mechanisms to detect and adapt to changes in the data distribution is essential for maintaining model effectiveness.

 The Interplay Between Graph Topology and Attribute Data

In many real-world networks, nodes and edges have associated attributes (e.g., user profiles in social networks, gene expressions in biological networks). Understanding how these attributes interact with the graph topology and incorporating this interplay into feature design can lead to more nuanced and effective link prediction models.

The Significance of Directedness in Graphs

In directed graphs, the directionality of edges adds a layer of complexity to link prediction. Features must capture not just the presence of a relationship but its direction. For example, in a citation network, the direction of citation is crucial and influences the choice and design of features. Asymmetric measures, such as preferential attachment considering in-degree and out-degree separately, can be more informative in such contexts.

The Role of Community Structure in Feature Engineering

Understanding and leveraging community structures within a network can significantly enhance link prediction. Communities often indicate groups of nodes with higher-than-average link density. Features that capture community membership or inter-community connections can be particularly effective. Techniques like modularity optimization or community detection algorithms can be used to identify these structures and inform feature design.

Graph Sparsity and its Implications on Feature Effectiveness

In sparse networks, where the number of edges is much lower than the maximum possible, certain features may lose their effectiveness. For example, measures based on neighborhood overlap might not be informative in extremely sparse networks. In such cases, incorporating external information or using inference based on network generation models can be beneficial.

The Influence of Node Centrality Measures on Link Prediction

Node centrality measures, such as degree centrality, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality, provide insights into the importance or influence of nodes within a network. These centrality measures can be powerful features for link prediction, as they capture different aspects of a node's position and role in the network. For instance, nodes with high betweenness centrality might be crucial in bridging different communities, potentially influencing future link formations.

Handling Multi-Graph Scenarios in Link Prediction

In networks where multiple types of relationships can exist between nodes (multi-graphs), link prediction becomes more complex. Features must differentiate between these relationship types and their significance. For instance, in a multi-modal social network, different types of interactions (like comments, likes, shares) might have different implications for future link formation. Tailoring features to these nuances is key for effective prediction.

The Challenges of Rare Event Prediction in Networks

In many real-world networks, the formation of certain types of links might be rare events. Predicting these rare links requires careful consideration of feature design and model training. Techniques like oversampling rare events or using specialized models that handle imbalanced data can be crucial for effective prediction in these scenarios.

The Potential of Graph Signal Processing in Feature Design

Graph signal processing, a field that extends signal processing concepts to graphs, offers novel perspectives on feature engineering. Concepts like graph Fourier transform or spectral filtering can be used to design features that capture both local and global network properties in a sophisticated manner.

The Impact of Graph Dynamics on Predictive Accuracy

In dynamic graphs, where nodes and edges can appear and disappear over time, understanding the temporal patterns of these changes is crucial. Features that capture temporal dynamics, like decay factors for older interactions or time-stamped edge formations, can significantly improve predictive accuracy in such networks.

Interesting next topics to explore

  1. Integration with Machine Learning Techniques: Look into "Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN)" by Kipf and Welling, "Graph Attention Networks (GAT)" by Veličković et al., and "GraphSAGE" by Hamilton et al. These are seminal works that integrate GNNs with traditional graph features.

  2. Enhanced Feature Engineering: Explore "motif counting algorithms" like FANMOD and "graphlet decomposition methods" as seen in the ORCA tool. These methods provide a detailed view of higher-order structures in networks.

  3. Temporal and Dynamic Network Analysis: Research "Temporal Graph Networks (TGN)" by Rossi et al., and "Dynamic Self-Attention (DySAT)" by Sankar et al. These approaches are groundbreaking in capturing temporal dynamics in evolving graphs.

  4. Multimodal and Heterogeneous Network Analysis: Investigate "Heterogeneous Attention Network (HAN)" by Wang et al. and "Relational Graph Convolutional Networks (R-GCN)" by Schlichtkrull et al. These techniques are specifically designed for handling diverse data types in complex networks.

  5. Scalability and Efficiency Improvements: Look into distributed computing frameworks for graph processing like "Apache Giraph" and "GraphX in Apache Spark", as well as scalable graph databases like "Neo4j" for handling large-scale graphs.

  6. Advanced Neighborhood Aggregation Techniques: Examine research on "LSTM-based graph aggregators" and "attention-based aggregation in GNNs", which provide more nuanced neighborhood aggregation methods.

  7. Incorporating Node Embeddings: "node2vec" by Grover and Leskovec and "DeepWalk" by Perozzi et al. are key references for these embedding techniques. These embeddings are then used in conjunction with classical machine learning models like "Support Vector Machines (SVMs)" and "Random Forests".

  8. Graph Signal Processing (GSP) for Feature Extraction: Delve into the "Graph Fourier Transform" and its application in graph signal processing, as well as "spectral graph theory" for designing spectral filters in graphs.

  9. Attention Mechanisms in Feature Construction: Explore "transformer models" and how their attention mechanisms are being adapted into graph neural network architectures, focusing on dynamic weighting of neighbor nodes.

  10. Cross-Network Link Prediction: Investigate "cross-graph embedding techniques" and "multi-view learning in graphs" for learning joint representations across different networks and their application in link prediction.

  11. Explainability and Interpretability: Look into "LIME for graphs" and "SHAP values in graph models" to understand how these model-agnostic explanation frameworks are adapted for graph-based predictions.

  12. Handling Noisy and Incomplete Data: Research "robust graph neural networks" that address uncertain or missing data, and "graph denoising autoencoders" for reconstructing accurate graph structures from noisy inputs.

Stanford CS224W: ML with Graphs | 2021 | Lecture 2.1 - Traditional Feature-based Methods: Node

 In the realm of data science and machine learning, graph structures play a pivotal role, encapsulating complex interrelationships in diverse fields such as social networks, bioinformatics, and communication networks. This chapter explores traditional graph machine learning methods, with a specific focus on node-level features, which are vital for understanding and leveraging the intricacies of graph data.

Understanding Graphs

A graph =(,) is a collection of vertices (or nodes) and edges (or links) connecting these vertices. Each node or edge can have associated attributes or features that provide additional information.

Machine Learning Tasks in Graphs

Graph-based machine learning tasks can be broadly categorized into:

  1. Node-level Prediction: Here, the objective is to predict attributes or classifications for individual nodes.
  2. Link-level Prediction: This involves predicting the existence or characteristics of links between pairs of nodes.
  3. Graph-level Prediction: Involves making predictions about entire graphs, such as classifying molecules in chemical compound graphs.

The Traditional ML Pipeline in Graphs

The traditional pipeline involves two key steps:

  1. Feature Representation: Creating a vector representation for nodes, edges, or entire graphs.
  2. Model Training: Applying classical machine learning models to these feature vectors.

Feature Design in Graphs

The effectiveness of traditional graph machine learning heavily relies on the quality of feature design. These features often require domain-specific knowledge and are typically handcrafted.

Node-level Features

Node-level features are crucial for capturing the nuances of individual nodes within a graph. They can be divided into:

  1. Importance-based Features: Indicate a node's significance or influence within the network.
  2. Structure-based Features: Describe the local network topology around a node.

Node Degree

The degree of a node is the count of its immediate connections (edges) and is a fundamental yet powerful feature. However, it does not differentiate between the roles of the neighbors.

Node Centrality Measures

Centrality measures gauge a node's prominence in a network. Key centrality measures include:

  1. Eigenvector Centrality: It posits that a node's importance is proportional to the sum of its neighbors' importance. Mathematically, it's defined through an eigenvector equation involving the graph's adjacency matrix.
  2. Betweenness Centrality: This measures a node's role as a bridge in the shortest paths between other nodes. A high betweenness centrality indicates a node acts as a critical connector across different network regions.
  3. Closeness Centrality: It assesses how close a node is to all other nodes, capturing its accessibility within the network. It's inversely proportional to the sum of the shortest path lengths from the node to all other nodes in the graph.

Clustering Coefficient

This metric evaluates how close a node's neighbors are to forming a clique (a fully connected subgraph). In social networks, a high clustering coefficient often indicates strong community structure.


Graphlets are small subgraphs, and their frequency around a node provides detailed insights into the local topology. A node's Graphlet Degree Vector, enumerating the counts of different graphlets it participates in, offers a nuanced description of its neighborhood.

Feature Engineering and Dimensionality Reduction

Advanced techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) can be employed to refine the feature set, reducing dimensionality while retaining critical information.

Dynamic Graphs and Temporal Features

In dynamic graphs, where the structure evolves over time, capturing temporal dynamics is essential. This includes adapting traditional features like centrality measures to reflect these changes.

Towards Feature Learning: Bridging Traditional and GNN Methods

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) represent a paradigm shift from handcrafted features to learned features. Integrating traditional features with GNN architectures can offer the best of both worlds, leveraging domain knowledge and data-driven learning.

Reflection on the Chapter

Node-level features form the backbone of traditional graph machine learning. From simple measures like node degree to complex ones like graphlets, these features provide a window into the roles and relationships of nodes within a graph. As we progress towards more sophisticated methods like Graph Neural Networks, the insights gained from traditional methods continue to inform and enrich our approaches. Understanding these foundational concepts is crucial for anyone venturing into the field of graph-based machine learning.


  1. Fundamental Role of Graphs: Graphs are essential in representing complex relational data across various domains. Understanding graph structure and its components (nodes and edges) is crucial for applying machine learning techniques effectively.

  2. Categorization of Graph-based ML Tasks: Machine learning tasks in graphs are categorized into node-level, link-level, and graph-level predictions, each focusing on different aspects of the graph.

  3. Importance of Feature Representation: The traditional machine learning pipeline in graphs emphasizes the critical role of feature representation. Accurately capturing the characteristics of nodes, edges, or entire graphs through features is key to the success of machine learning models.

  4. Node-level Features: These are vital for understanding individual nodes within a graph. They are broadly categorized into importance-based and structure-based features, each providing unique insights about the node's role and connectivity.

  5. Centrality Measures: Different centrality measures (eigenvector, betweenness, closeness) offer perspectives on a node's importance or influence within the network. They are essential for tasks like identifying key influencers in social networks or critical nodes in communication networks.

  6. Structural Features: Measures like node degree, clustering coefficient, and graphlets provide information about the local topology surrounding a node. These features are particularly relevant in networks where local structure influences node roles, such as protein-protein interaction networks.

  7. Graphlets for Detailed Topology: Graphlets, as advanced structural features, offer a detailed view of the node's neighborhood, capturing complex patterns beyond simple connectivity.

  8. Dynamic Graph Considerations: In dynamic graphs, it's important to consider how node features change over time, reflecting the evolving nature of the network.

  9. Transition to Feature Learning: The chapter bridges traditional feature-based methods and modern Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), highlighting the shift from handcrafted to learned features. Integrating traditional graph features with GNN architectures can enhance model performance by combining domain knowledge with data-driven learning.

  10. Comprehensive Understanding: A thorough understanding of traditional node-level features lays a strong foundation for more advanced studies in graph neural networks and other sophisticated graph-based machine learning techniques.


Graph Structure and Machine Learning Tasks: The chapter begins by explaining the structure of graphs and categorizing graph-based machine learning tasks into node-level, link-level, and graph-level predictions, each focusing on distinct aspects of the graph.

Importance of Feature Representation: Emphasis is placed on the significance of accurately representing nodes, edges, or entire graphs through feature vectors for the success of machine learning models.

Node-Level Features: The chapter details two main types of node-level features:

* Importance-Based Features: These include node degree and various centrality measures (eigenvector, betweenness, closeness) that assess a node's significance within the network.
* Structure-Based Features: These include the clustering coefficient and graphlets, which provide insights into the local network topology around a node.
Graphlets for Advanced Topology Analysis: Graphlets, which are small subgraphs, are highlighted as a way to capture complex local structural patterns around a node, offering a nuanced perspective on the node's neighborhood.

Dynamic Graphs and Feature Evolution: The chapter acknowledges the importance of considering temporal changes in dynamic graphs, emphasizing the need to adapt node features to reflect these changes.

Bridging Traditional Methods and GNNs: A transition from traditional, handcrafted feature methods to Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is discussed, suggesting the integration of traditional features with GNN architectures for enhanced model performance.

In summary, the chapter provides a thorough exploration of traditional methods for extracting and representing node-level features in graphs, setting the stage for more advanced graph-based machine learning techniques. It highlights the importance of understanding these foundational concepts for anyone looking to delve deeper into the field of graph machine learning.

Parse Wikipedia dump

""" This module processes Wikipedia dump files by extracting individual articles and parsing them into a structured format, ...